This tiny lens turns your smartphone into a polarizing microscope – and it works with both iPhones and Android phones too


  • iMicro Q3p is a fingertip-sized microscope lens
  • Attaches to your smartphone camera for 1200x magnification
  • It’s now available to back on Kickstarter for as little as CA$55

Fitting a microscope in your pocket is generally a bit of a challenge, unless that microscope is the iMicro Q3p. The latest in a six-year line of fingertip microscopes funded on Kickstarter, the Q3p is a tiny lens that attaches to your smartphone’s camera, putting pro-grade magnification in your pocket.

Like the iMicro Q3 announced late last year, the Q3p is powerful enough to view objects at a sub-micron level – or less than one micron. For reference, the average human hair measures 70 microns, while a red blood cell measures eight. That makes the Q3p an incredibly powerful optical tool.


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